Den daglige flirt – Lektie 15
Får du først fat om at knibe – er mulighederne uendelige. Flirt med din bækkebund i spil.
Mangler du inspiration ud over dag 15’s knibeøvelse, så mød her MamaGena Regena:
I am here to reclaim the eternal, grief-soaked majesty of the Feminine
— from within a culture that doesn’t know what that even means yet.
I am here to uphold the exquisite wholeness of women.I am here to celebrate our darkness, our rage, and our grief.
And then, I am here to turn on our joy.
I am here for our bodies — bruised, depleted, shamed, and worthy, right, perfect, beautiful, hot, wise. Alive.
I am here for orgasm and lust.
For the virgin and the whore, who is all of us.
And I am here for sisterhood.
Thank you for being here with me.Love,